Tuesday 26 July 2011

Baked Camembert ....

... is my latest guilty secret.  I love it! It is no secret to those who know me that I could easily survive for the rest of my life only eating the food groups bread and cheese so I'm left to wonder how it has taken me so long to discover Baked Camembert.

I making up for lost time though - I've got through 3 of those little boxes of delight in the last week alone, OMG!

There is no recipe involved but this is how I baked it if you are interested - How to bake Camembert

Monday 25 July 2011

I joined a group on Facebook a while back called 'I hate my kids Goldfish' and I meant it at the time.  But tonight I am distressed by thought that the Goldfish (Oliver and Abigail) may be dying.

The Goldfish are 6 years old now.  I have been the only one in the family ever to look after them.  They have graduated through several fish bowls and tanks and now have a fully functioning aquarium with filter, lights, gravel, and too many decorations.  As with most things in life keeping Goldfish can be an opportunity to shop!

Sooooo, having reared these Goldfish for 6 years despite being borderline phobic about fish in general I was feeling pretty chuffed with myself.  Well you would, wouldn't you?  Two weeks ago I added 5 Black Moor Goldfish to the tank.  Tonight only 1 remains and Oliver and Abigail are looking pretty rough.  I've done all that I can as there is no obvious cause of death.  The usual culprit is White Spot apparently and White Spot is very easy to spot on black fish - it's not White Spot.  I've done quite a bit of filter cleaning / changing, water changing and additional of liquids from bottles bought at various pet shops in the area but nothing has worked and now I am just about out of options.

I'm feeling distressed to think that my arrogance has caused this - hey, I've raised two Goldfish - I must be good at this!  Apparently not!

Some pics - I'm not a great photographer so add in some glass, water and moving targets and this is what you get, ha ha.